Salome Kylarova, MSc, PhD

Post-doctoral fellow 

Experimental Neurophysiology Group

Department of Physiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Scientific background

I studied Biophysical and Physical Chemistry at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. I obtained my Ph.D. in Physical chemistry in 2018. I gained expertise in the molecular and structural biology of proteins. At our laboratory, I acquired knowledge in tissue culture, mouse brain microsurgery and cranial window technique accompanied by in vivo single-cell imaging. My current work focuses on the investigation of epileptogenesis in focal cortical dysplasia using in vivo optogenetics for its future application toward novel therapeutic measures in epilepsy.

Research interests

malformation of cortical development, optogenetics, gene therapy, CRISPR-Cas9

Selected publications

J. Chvojka, N. Prochazkova, M. Rehorova, J. Kudlacek, S. Kylarova, M. Kralikova, P. Buran, R. Weissova, M. Balastik, J. G. R. Jefferys, O. Novak, P. Jiruska. „Mouse model of focal cortical dysplasia type II generates a wide spectrum of high-frequency activities“. Neurobiology of Disease 190: 106383 (2024).