Lucie Cerna


Experimental Neurophysiology Group

Department of Physiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Scientific background

This is my first job experience in this field. The main task is to perform analyses and create outputs from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings of monitored mice. The work involves data collection, preparation, and subsequent analysis using specialized software. The goal is to understand patterns of brain activity and responses to various stimuli or conditions. This work requires detailed examination of data and the ability to interpret results within a biological context. Part of my task also involves generating outputs and collaborating with colleagues on further research in the field of neuroscience.

Research interests

My research interests revolve around understanding demyelination and its impact on epilepsy. I focus on studying the manifestations of demyelination in the brain and how they influence epileptic seizures. My efforts are directed towards identifying neurological markers associated with demyelination and epilepsy through EEG (electroencephalography) analysis. The aim is to better comprehend brain activity patterns related to these conditions and lay the groundwork for future diagnostics and therapeutic interventions. I track new technologies and methodologies in the field of neuroscience and neuroimaging to bolster my research approaches and make progress in exploring these complex brain interactions.