Assoc. Prof. Martin Kyncl, MD, PhD



Department of Radiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital

Scientific background

Martin Kynčl is the Head of the Paediatric MRI unit at University Hospital in Motol and Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. He is an expert neuroradiologist with a long experience in paediatric brain tumors and in focal epilepsies caused by malformations of cortical development. He is responsible for neuroimaging in paediatric neurooncology and epileptology program in University Hospital in Motol. He is the leader of Neuroimaging group of Centre of Paediatric Neurooncology, University Hospital in Motol and co-leader of the Neuroimaging group of Epilepsy Research Centre of Prague /EpiReC/. Dr. Kynčl has a long track record in the field and is an internationally recognized expert in paediatric Neuroimaging.

Martin Kyncl is also a College Tutor of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, and Tutor of ESOR 2012-to present. He is responsible for the Research Project of University Hospital in Motol, Prague titled Possibilities of diagnostic prenatal magnetic resonance imaging of anorectal atresia and malformation, impact on postpartum treatment and patient outcome, Czech Health Research Council Project NU21-08-00228 Detection of changes in microstructure and structural connectivity of focal cortical dysplasia by diffusion kurtosis imaging and Czech Health Research Council Project NU23-08-00460 Advanced magnetic resonance imaging of pediatric brain tumors /PediTuMRI/.

Research interests

The main research interests include

  • applying advanced brain imaging methods in epileptology and neuro-oncology,
  • exploring the possibilities of quantitative MR imaging and
  • applying perfusion and diffusion methods in diagnosing brain abnormalities.

Emphasis is also currently being placed on the evaluation of diagnostic techniques in the detection of post-radiation necrosis in patients with brain tumors and advances in the validation of radiation-induced necrosis and radiation-induced brain neoplasia.

Selected publications

Trkova, K., Sumerauer, D., Bubenikova, A. et al.
Clinical and molecular study of radiation-induced gliomas. Sci Rep 14, 3118 (2024). 

Máslová D, Holubová Z, Poš L, Newland N, Pavlíková M, Škába R, Kynčl M.
The comparison of magnetic resonance and fluoroscopic imaging options in the preoperative assessment of boys with anorectal malformations and a colostomy. Pediatr Radiol. 2024 Jan;54(1):68-81.

Belohlavkova A, Jahodova A, Kudr M, Benova B, Ebel M, Liby P, Taborsky J, Jezdik P, Janca R, Kyncl M, Tichy M, Krsek P.
May intraoperative detection of stereotactically inserted intracerebral electrodes increase precision of resective epilepsy surgery? Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2021 Nov;35:49-55.

Straka B, Splitkova B, Vlckova M, Tesner P, Rezacova H, Krskova L, Koblizek M, Kyncl M, Maulisova A, Bukacova K, Uhrova-Meszarosova A, Musilova A, Kudr M, Ebel M, Belohlavkova A, Jahodova A, Liby P, Tichy M, Jezdik P, Zamecnik J, Aronica E, Krsek P.
Genetic testing in children enrolled in epilepsy surgery program. A real-life study. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2023 Nov;47:80-87.