Adam Kalina, MD
Clinical electrophysiology, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Brain Research Group
Department of Neurology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital
Scientific background
I have worked at the Department of Neurology since I graduated from the Second Faculty of Medicine, first as a physician, later as an epileptologist responsible for video EEG monitoring and preoperative preparation of epilepsy surgery patients. For the last several years I have been working on my PhD thesis, investigating the topic of functional mapping in epilepsy surgery patients.
Research interests
epileptology, epilepsy surgery, advanced signal analysis, advanced neuroimaging, intracranial EEG and brain mapping in epilepsy surgery patients
Selected publications
Sanders MW, Van der Wolf I, Jansen FE, Aronica E, Helmstaedter C, Racz A, Surges R, Grote A, Becker AJ, Rheims S, Catenoix H, Duncan JS, De Tisi J, Jacques TS, Cross JH, Kalviainen R, Rauramaa T, Chassoux F, Devaux BC, Di Gennaro G, Esposito V, Bodi I, Honavar M, Bien CG, Cloppenborg T, Coras R, Hamer HM, Marusic P, Kalina A, Pieper T, Kudernatsch M, Hartlieb TS, Von Oertzen TJ, Aichholzer M, Dorfmuller G, Chipaux M, Noachtar S, Kaufmann E, Schulze-Bonhage A, Scheiwe CF, Özkara C, Grunwald T, Koenig K, Guerrini R, Barba C, Buccoliero AM, Giordano F, Rosenow F, Menzler K, Garbelli R, Deleo F, Krsek P, Straka B, Arzimanoglou AA, Toulouse J, Van Paesschen W, Theys T, Pimentel J, Loução De Amorim IM, Specchio N, De Palma L, Feucht M, Scholl T, Roessler K, Toledano Delgado R, Gil-Nagel A, Raicevic S, Ristic AJ, Schijns O, Beckervordersandforth J, San Antonio-Arce V, Rumia J, Blumcke I, Braun KP; as the European Epilepsy Brain Bank Consortium (EEBB).
Outcome of Epilepsy Surgery in MRI-Negative Patients Without Histopathologic Abnormalities in the Resected Tissue. Neurology. 2024 Feb 27;102(4):e208007.