Martina Biackova


Experimental Neurophysiology Group

Department of Physiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Scientific background

Since I’m still a medical student, I don’t have much experience in science and research. However, I’ve always been interested in science, mainly physics. During high school, I participated in several physics competitions, which were based on team work, conducting our own research of given phenomenon, creating theoretical model, building apparatus, doing the experiments and evaluating the data. Then, we presented our findings in front of jury, which gave us a chance to articulate our theories and findings. Later, during my university studies, I realized that physiology is the physics applied to human body and I took special interest in brain and its mechanisms. Thus, I’ve joined the experimental neurophysiology group and this is my second year being part of the team. Since joining the team, I’ve been mostly helping with operating and EEG evaluation. Overall, I’ve gained and learned many new skills.

Research interests

As a medical student, I am primarily interested in how FCD research may help to improve the lives of patients with this type of drug-resistant epilepsy.